[Xcb] Adding pthread stubs into libxcb

Diego 'Flameeyes' Pettenò flameeyes at gentoo.org
Wed Nov 8 04:13:24 PST 2006

On Wednesday 08 November 2006 00:58, Jamey Sharp wrote:
> I'm not absolutely sure we'll get correct behavior cross-platform if we
> always include the stubs. If nothing else, I don't know that this code
> will work with non-GCC compilers that currently have no problem with
> XCB; but besides that, I'm not sure how the many different linkers in
> the world treat weak symbols, especially multiply-defined ones.
Well, I'm not an interposing expert at all, so I'm not sure how other linkers 
will threat them, I'm not even sure if this works as intended on Linux 
(although I hope so), but I'm pretty sure it won't work that well with 
the -Bdirect patches (not like this is the first X library with this 
problem :) ).

I was thinking of using the AC_CHECK_FUNCS method myself, but this means 
having about 6 lines for every function, as you cannot use preprocessor 
macros expansion to do the job (#if* in macros is not allowed)..
The only way I can think to do this "cleanly" is to use an sh script that 
generates the C code, but it's kinda strange that approach, too. Or maybe 
using the Makefile itself and generate a series of .c files with the stubs 
for every function. Both these solutions are kinda complicated, I'd still 
prefer the current solutions.

> We'd prefer the output of git-format-patch, which includes the commit
> message and authorship information. It looks like the cogito equivalent
> is cg-mkpatch.
Yep, thought so, I usually do that, but this time I wasn't really sure of its 

Diego "Flameeyes" Pettenò - http://farragut.flameeyes.is-a-geek.org/
Gentoo/Alt lead, Gentoo/FreeBSD, Video, Sound, ALSA, PAM, KDE, CJK, Ruby ...
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