[Xcb] python bindings

Vincent Torri vtorri at univ-evry.fr
Tue Jul 3 13:57:43 PDT 2007

On Tue, 3 Jul 2007, Barton C Massey wrote:

> In message <200707031541.27268.hto at arcor.de> you wrote:
>> I've put online a _very_ unstable version of my Python
>> bindings.
> Super!

i agree ! very nice work :)

I guess that, once we are sure that the c files are correctly created, we 
can began to add documentation (in xml description and doxygen in .h 
files), right ?

>> 2) The iterator-API is really hard to handle &
>> understand. I tried to explain it to a friend of mine and
>> it took him hours to "get it".  (And I believe that he is
>> pretty smart ;)
> Yeah.  It's one of those things that we chucked in there
> because we needed something and couldn't figure out anything
> better offhand.  I'm not super proud of it, and it was
> mostly my idea.  Better docs and a specific tutorial would
> probably help, but it would be cool if we could just replace
> the whole mess with something nicer.

I can add that in the tutorial. Imho, the iterator stuff is not that 
obvious, but not that complicated too.

> BTW, don't expect any comments from Jamey for another week
> or so.  He went and got married, go figure, and is now on
> his honeymoon in Hawaii.

That's a quite good news !


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