[Xcb] xlib-xcb

Bill Cunningham billcu2 at verizon.net
Thu Jul 26 11:56:30 PDT 2007

    I have tried everything I know to try to compile xlib-xcb so that I can 
compile libX11. The way I understand things xcb is going to work with xlib 
for awhile. Until the maintainers decide to so straight xcb/xml. I'm trying 
to compile everything like X11 R 7.0 with all those libraries plus the ones 
X11 R 7.2 wants. I see several modules are going to be cut out soon as we 
get away from xlib. But I just can't compile libxcb. Or libX11 and its 
dependencies. If anyone would like to see a make of my libxcb I can gzip a 
copy and post it. Maybe someone can tell something about that.


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