[Xcb] Developer mad at libx11-xcb

Barton C Massey bart at cs.pdx.edu
Sat Feb 2 19:46:30 PST 2008

In message <20080202201316.GB20820 at kris.home> you wrote:
> On Sat, Feb 02, 2008 at 11:58:57AM -0800, Brandon Philips wrote:
> >I saw this commit come across a list I am on.  Kris is mad at xcb but I
> >don't know enough about xcb or libx11 to help him.  :D
> Hm, people seldom take my grumblings so seriously. For the 
> record, I intend to dump Xlib in favor of xcb as soon as I have 
> some alternative to Xlib fontsets

Please help me understand the problem here; maybe we can
help.  What exactly are we missing?

> (and some sane method of 
> reading text properties as UTF-8 without any fuss).

As far as I know, we don't do anything clever enough with
property strings to mess up UTF-8.  Do you mean converting
between UTF-8 in your app and wacky formats in the

Thanks much for your comments.


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