[Xcb] Change type="CARD8" to type="char" where the X specs require a STRING8

Barton C Massey bart at cs.pdx.edu
Mon Oct 6 10:33:16 PDT 2008

No, it looks like we never pushed that one.

I'm fine with it, but I'm not sure I'm understanding it.
Why does it make a big difference one way or the other?
We're not in UTF-land or anything with the protocol, so it
seems like it's almost better to make sure of that by using
CARD8 for these?  Are you dealing with C signed/unsigned
brain damage or something?

At any rate, can anybody think of a reason why I shouldn't
push Thomas' 2007 patch?


In message <20081006172240.5b200bb2 at before> you wrote:
> Has this patch never been pushed?
> http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/xcb/2007-July/002923.html
> I am currently in trouble with the GetAtomName-reply that is of wrong
> type (CARD8 instead of char).

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