[PATCH] Get rid of PATH_MAX and MAXPATHLEN as there could be no upper limit on the length of a path according to POSIX, therefore these macros may not be defined at all.

Arnaud Fontaine arnau at debian.org
Mon Apr 26 12:18:17 PDT 2010

 src/xcb_auth.c |   64 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 src/xcb_util.c |   29 +++++++++++++++++++------
 2 files changed, 77 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/xcb_auth.c b/src/xcb_auth.c
index 00aad23..261fff5 100644
--- a/src/xcb_auth.c
+++ b/src/xcb_auth.c
@@ -89,8 +89,7 @@ static int authname_match(enum auth_protos kind, char *name, size_t namelen)
 #define SIN6_ADDR(s) (&((struct sockaddr_in6 *)s)->sin6_addr)
-static Xauth *get_authptr(struct sockaddr *sockname, unsigned int socknamelen,
-                          int display)
+static Xauth *get_authptr(struct sockaddr *sockname, int display)
     char *addr = 0;
     int addrlen = 0;
@@ -243,13 +242,49 @@ static int compute_auth(xcb_auth_info_t *info, Xauth *authptr, struct sockaddr *
     return 0;   /* Unknown authorization type */
+/* Return a dynamically allocated socket address structure according
+   to the value returned by either getpeername() or getsockname() */
+static struct sockaddr *get_peer_sock_name(int (*socket_func)(int,
+							      struct sockaddr *,
+							      socklen_t *),
+					   int fd)
+    socklen_t socknamelen = sizeof(struct sockaddr) + INITIAL_SOCKNAME_SIZE;
+    socklen_t actual_socknamelen = socknamelen;
+    int socket_func_ret;
+    struct sockaddr *sockname = malloc(socknamelen);
+    if (sockname == NULL)
+        return NULL;
+    /* Both getpeername() and getsockname() truncates sockname if
+       there is not enough space and set the required length in
+       actual_socknamelen */
+    while ((socket_func_ret = socket_func(fd, sockname,
+					  &actual_socknamelen)) != -1 &&
+	   actual_socknamelen > socknamelen)
+    {
+        /* Adjust sockname size according to the required one */
+        socknamelen = actual_socknamelen;
+        if((sockname = realloc(sockname, socknamelen)) == NULL)
+            goto sock_or_realloc_error;
+    }
+    if (socket_func_ret != -1)
+        return sockname;
+ sock_or_realloc_error:
+    free(sockname);
+    return NULL;
 int _xcb_get_auth_info(int fd, xcb_auth_info_t *info, int display)
     /* code adapted from Xlib/ConnDis.c, xtrans/Xtranssocket.c,
        xtrans/Xtransutils.c */
-    char sockbuf[sizeof(struct sockaddr) + MAXPATHLEN];
-    unsigned int socknamelen = sizeof(sockbuf);   /* need extra space */
-    struct sockaddr *sockname = (struct sockaddr *) &sockbuf;
+    struct sockaddr *sockname = NULL;
     int gotsockname = 0;
     Xauth *authptr = 0;
     int ret = 1;
@@ -258,24 +293,30 @@ int _xcb_get_auth_info(int fd, xcb_auth_info_t *info, int display)
      * for UNIX Domain Sockets, but this is irrelevant,
      * since compute_auth() ignores the peer name in this
      * case anyway.*/
-    if (getpeername(fd, sockname, &socknamelen) == -1)
+    if ((sockname = get_peer_sock_name(getpeername, fd)) == NULL)
-        if (getsockname(fd, sockname, &socknamelen) == -1)
+        if ((sockname = get_peer_sock_name(getsockname, fd)) == NULL)
             return 0;   /* can only authenticate sockets */
         if (sockname->sa_family != AF_UNIX)
+        {
+            free(sockname);
             return 0;   /* except for AF_UNIX, sockets should have peernames */
+        }
         gotsockname = 1;
-    authptr = get_authptr(sockname, socknamelen, display);
+    authptr = get_authptr(sockname, display);
     if (authptr == 0)
+    {
+        free(sockname);
         return 0;   /* cannot find good auth data */
+    }
     info->namelen = memdup(&info->name, authptr->name, authptr->name_length);
     if (!info->namelen)
         goto no_auth;   /* out of memory */
-    if (!gotsockname && getsockname(fd, sockname, &socknamelen) == -1)
+    if (!gotsockname && (sockname = get_peer_sock_name(getsockname, fd)) == NULL)
         goto no_auth;   /* can only authenticate sockets */
@@ -288,10 +329,15 @@ int _xcb_get_auth_info(int fd, xcb_auth_info_t *info, int display)
         goto no_auth;   /* cannot build auth record */
+    free(sockname);
+    sockname = NULL;
     return ret;
+    free(sockname);
     info->name = 0;
     info->namelen = 0;
diff --git a/src/xcb_util.c b/src/xcb_util.c
index 287f12f..cc4e24a 100644
--- a/src/xcb_util.c
+++ b/src/xcb_util.c
@@ -145,8 +145,9 @@ static int _xcb_open(char *host, char *protocol, const int display)
     static const char unix_base[] = "/tmp/.X11-unix/X";
     const char *base = unix_base;
-    char file[PATH_MAX + 1];
-    int filelen;
+    size_t filelen;
+    char *file = NULL;
+    int actual_filelen;
@@ -181,24 +182,38 @@ static int _xcb_open(char *host, char *protocol, const int display)
+    filelen = strlen(base) + 1 + sizeof(display) * 3 + 1;
+    file = malloc(filelen);
+    if(file == NULL)
+        return -1;
     /* display specifies Unix socket */
     if(base == host)
-        filelen = snprintf(file, sizeof(file), "%s:%d", base, display);
+        actual_filelen = snprintf(file, filelen, "%s:%d", base, display);
-        filelen = snprintf(file, sizeof(file), "%s%d", base, display);
-    if(filelen < 0)
+        actual_filelen = snprintf(file, filelen, "%s%d", base, display);
+    if(actual_filelen < 0)
+    {
+        free(file);
         return -1;
+    }
     /* snprintf may truncate the file */
-    filelen = MIN(filelen, sizeof(file) - 1);
+    filelen = MIN(actual_filelen, filelen - 1);
     fd = _xcb_open_abstract(protocol, file, filelen);
     if (fd >= 0 || (errno != ENOENT && errno != ECONNREFUSED))
+    {
+        free(file);
         return fd;
+    }
-    return  _xcb_open_unix(protocol, file);
+    fd = _xcb_open_unix(protocol, file);
+    free(file);
+    return fd;
 static int _xcb_socket(int family, int type, int proto)


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