[Xcb] [PATCH:xwininfo] Convert from Xlib to xcb

Barton C Massey bart at cs.pdx.edu
Mon Jun 14 12:09:30 PDT 2010

In message <AANLkTikaJlbbajSFIzXseMkI5reIORzhg3E-Y_QTWmP3 at mail.gmail.com> you wrote:
> Upon further reflection, bandwidth costs in the Xlib case are
> dominated by overhead. TCP+IP+Ethernet = 66.

> So not only does XCB win huge in latency, XCB also wins somewhat in
> bandwidth even when you discard (on average) half of the replies.

LOL--great point.  Something I hadn't thought of before, but
makes perfect sense. :-)


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