[Xcb] [PATCH proto 0/3] One patch and two hacks for XKB

Daniel Martin consume.noise at gmail.com
Sun Aug 18 07:53:56 PDT 2013

Hi everyone,

in regard to the known existing problems in XKB I've written one patch
and two hacks (I don't want to call them workarounds):

* xkb: Comment out Doodads

    c_client.py can't handle those Doodads properly. Let's comment them
    out before anyone tries to use them. This affects the Doodad
    structures, one structure (Section) using Doodads and fields in
    requests/replies using the Section or Doodad structures as type.
    Due to that, the requests/replies basicly stay intact, they "just"
    lack the affected fields at the end.

* xkb: Rename enum EventType to EventTypeMask, add EventType

    This is the only patch that could be called a patch. Previously,
    EventType had the event type mask for the SelectEvents request. But,
    there was no enum for the sub event types as being used in the
    event (see field xkbType).

* xkb: Unify events into single event

    Yet another hack as the code generator can't handle a switch/case,
    which would be necessary to describe the only event in XKB with its
    sub events correctly.
    It converts the existing sub events (which have been written as
    distinct events) to structs, combines them in an union (AnyEvent)
    and adds one event with the fields xkbType (necessary to distinguish
    the sub events) and xkbAnyEvent (type="AnyEvent" union).

    The resulting API potentially breaks when having and using
    switch/case support here.

 src/xkb.xml | 130 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 1 file changed, 81 insertions(+), 49 deletions(-)

    Daniel Martin


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