[Xcb] Xcb error

Peter Harris pharris at opentext.com
Tue Mar 5 08:29:49 PST 2013

On 2013-03-05 05:31, Reham Mostafa wrote:
> I'm trying to build libxcb-1.1.92.

1.1.92 is four years out of date, and has known bugs.

The current version of libxcb is 1.9.

> I get the error below.
> How can I solve this issue?

Make sure your xcbproto is from the same era as your libxcb.

Peter Harris
               Open Text Connectivity Solutions Group
Peter Harris                    http://connectivity.opentext.com/
Research and Development        Phone: +1 905 762 6001
pharris at opentext.com            Toll Free: 1 877 359 4866

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