[Xcb] [PATCH libxcb 4/4 V2] generator: fix align-pads for switches which start at unaligned pos

Christian Linhart chris at DemoRecorder.com
Tue Sep 2 09:13:04 PDT 2014

Fix the alignment computation inside switches which start at
an unaligned pos.
This affects both explicit and implicit align pads.

The alignment offset is derived from the lowest 3 bits of
the pointer to the protocol-data at the start of the switch.
This is sufficient for correcting all alignments up to 8-byte alignment.
As far as I know there is no bigger alignment than 8-byte for the

struct InputState, where the switch starts after two 1-byte fields,
which is a 2 byte offset for 4-byte and 8-byte alignment.

The previous problem can be demonstrated when adding a
<pad align="4"/> at the end of case "key".

(Or when finding a testcase which reports the case "valuator" not
at the last position of the QueryDeviceState-reply.
I didn't find such a testcase, so I have used the pad align
as described above.)

V2: patch modified in order to fix bugs which I found when working on the
next issue:
* xcb_padding_offset has to be set 0 when xcb_block_len is set 0
* xcb_padding_offset cannot be "const" therefore
* for unpack and unserialize, the padding_offset must computed
  from _buffer instead of from the aux_var.
 src/c_client.py | 15 ++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/src/c_client.py b/src/c_client.py
index 6af21fb..6ca3a30 100644
--- a/src/c_client.py
+++ b/src/c_client.py
@@ -655,15 +655,17 @@ def get_serialize_params(context, self, buffer_var='_buffer', aux_var='_aux'):
                 add_param(params, (p.c_field_const_type, '*', p.c_field_name))
     return (param_fields, wire_fields, params)
 # get_serialize_params()
 def _c_serialize_helper_insert_padding(context, code_lines, space, postpone):
     code_lines.append('%s    /* insert padding */' % space)
-    code_lines.append('%s    xcb_pad = -xcb_block_len & (xcb_align_to - 1);' % space)
+    code_lines.append(
+        '%s    xcb_pad = -( xcb_block_len + xcb_padding_offset ) & (xcb_align_to - 1);'
+        % space)
 #    code_lines.append('%s    printf("automatically inserting padding: %%%%d\\n", xcb_pad);' % space)
     code_lines.append('%s    xcb_buffer_len += xcb_block_len + xcb_pad;' % space)
     if not postpone:
         code_lines.append('%s    if (0 != xcb_pad) {' % space)
         if 'serialize' == context:
@@ -673,14 +675,15 @@ def _c_serialize_helper_insert_padding(context, code_lines, space, postpone):
         elif context in ('unserialize', 'unpack', 'sizeof'):
             code_lines.append('%s        xcb_tmp += xcb_pad;' % space)
         code_lines.append('%s        xcb_pad = 0;' % space)
         code_lines.append('%s    }' % space)
     code_lines.append('%s    xcb_block_len = 0;' % space)
+    code_lines.append('%s    xcb_padding_offset = 0;' % space)
     # keep tracking of xcb_parts entries for serialize
     return 1
 # _c_serialize_helper_insert_padding()
 def _c_serialize_helper_switch(context, self, complex_name,
                                code_lines, temp_vars,
@@ -1091,14 +1094,15 @@ def _c_serialize_helper(context, complex_type,
         # unserialize & fixed size fields: simply cast the buffer to the respective xcb_out type
         if context in ('unserialize', 'unpack', 'sizeof') and not self.c_var_followed_by_fixed_fields:
             code_lines.append('%s    xcb_block_len += sizeof(%s);' % (space, self.c_type))
             code_lines.append('%s    xcb_tmp += xcb_block_len;' % space)
             code_lines.append('%s    xcb_buffer_len += xcb_block_len;' % space)
             code_lines.append('%s    xcb_block_len = 0;' % space)
+            code_lines.append('%s    xcb_padding_offset = 0;' % space)
         count += _c_serialize_helper_fields(context, self,
                                             code_lines, temp_vars,
                                             space, prefix, False)
     # "final padding"
     count += _c_serialize_helper_insert_padding(context, code_lines, space, False)
@@ -1166,14 +1170,18 @@ def _c_serialize(context, self):
             _c('    unsigned int xcb_out_pad = -sizeof(%s) & 3;', self.c_type)
             _c('    unsigned int xcb_buffer_len = sizeof(%s) + xcb_out_pad;', self.c_type)
             _c('    unsigned int xcb_align_to = 0;')
             _c('    char *xcb_out = *_buffer;')
             _c('    unsigned int xcb_buffer_len = 0;')
             _c('    unsigned int xcb_align_to = 0;')
+        if self.is_switch:
+	    _c('    unsigned int xcb_padding_offset = ((size_t)xcb_out) & 7;')
+        else:
+	    _c('    unsigned int xcb_padding_offset = 0;')
         prefix = [('_aux', '->', self)]
         aux_ptr = 'xcb_out'
     elif context in ('unserialize', 'unpack'):
         _c('    char *xcb_tmp = (char *)_buffer;')
         if not self.is_switch:
             if not self.c_var_followed_by_fixed_fields:
@@ -1189,14 +1197,18 @@ def _c_serialize(context, self):
                 aux_var = '(*_aux)' # unserialize: double pointer (!)
             prefix = [(aux_var, '->', self)]
         aux_ptr = '*_aux'
         _c('    unsigned int xcb_buffer_len = 0;')
         _c('    unsigned int xcb_block_len = 0;')
         _c('    unsigned int xcb_pad = 0;')
         _c('    unsigned int xcb_align_to = 0;')
+        if self.is_switch:
+            _c('    unsigned int xcb_padding_offset = ((size_t)_buffer) & 7;')
+        else:
+            _c('    unsigned int xcb_padding_offset = 0;')
     elif 'sizeof' == context:
         param_names = [p[2] for p in params]
         if self.is_switch:
             # switch: call _unpack()
             _c('    %s _aux;', self.c_type)
             _c('    return %s(%s, &_aux);', self.c_unpack_name, reduce(lambda x,y: "%s, %s" % (x, y), param_names))
@@ -1206,14 +1218,15 @@ def _c_serialize(context, self):
             # special case: call _unserialize()
             _c('    return %s(%s, NULL);', self.c_unserialize_name, reduce(lambda x,y: "%s, %s" % (x, y), param_names))
             _c('    char *xcb_tmp = (char *)_buffer;')
             prefix = [('_aux', '->', self)]
+            _c('    unsigned int xcb_padding_offset = 0;')
     count = _c_serialize_helper(context, self, code_lines, temp_vars, prefix=prefix)
     # update variable size fields (only important for context=='serialize'
     variable_size_fields = count
     if 'serialize' == context:
         temp_vars.append('    unsigned int xcb_pad = 0;')
         temp_vars.append('    char xcb_pad0[3] = {0, 0, 0};')

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