[Xcb] [PATCH proto 10/10] xinput: rep XIGetProperty: replace bitcase with case

Christian Linhart chris at demorecorder.com
Thu Sep 4 01:53:21 PDT 2014

 src/xinput.xml | 16 ++++++----------
 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/xinput.xml b/src/xinput.xml
index 0ca22ab..61aacb7 100644
--- a/src/xinput.xml
+++ b/src/xinput.xml
@@ -2010,38 +2010,34 @@ <request name="XIGetProperty" opcode="59">
             <field type="ATOM"   name="type" />
             <field type="CARD32" name="bytes_after" />
             <field type="CARD32" name="num_items" />
             <field type="CARD8"  name="format" enum="PropertyFormat" />
             <pad bytes="11" />
             <switch name="items">
-                <!-- <bitcase> is not correct, this would need <cases>s.
-                     It works in that case, because PropertyFormat items can be
-                     distinguished exactly as their values don't have equal bits.
-                -->
-                <bitcase>
+                <case>
                     <enumref ref="PropertyFormat">8Bits</enumref>
                     <list type="CARD8" name="data8">
                     <pad align="4" />
-                </bitcase>
-                <bitcase>
+                </case>
+                <case>
                     <enumref ref="PropertyFormat">16Bits</enumref>
                     <list type="CARD16" name="data16">
                     <pad align="4" />
-                </bitcase>
-                <bitcase>
+                </case>
+                <case>
                     <enumref ref="PropertyFormat">32Bits</enumref>
                     <list type="CARD32" name="data32">
-                </bitcase>
+                </case>
     <!-- XIGetSelectedEvents -->
     <request name="XIGetSelectedEvents" opcode="60">

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