[Xcb] [PATCH proto 7/8] xinput: RawEvents: support lists axisvalues and axisvalues_raw

Christian Linhart chris at demorecorder.com
Thu Sep 4 08:49:01 PDT 2014

Support the lists axisvalues and axisvalues_raw in RawEvents.
These are RawKeyPress, RawButtonPress, RawTouchBegin and their eventcopies.

The length of both lists is determined by the number of bits set in the
list valuator_mask. This is solved in the same way as for event KeyPress.


 src/xinput.xml | 54 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 1 file changed, 42 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/xinput.xml b/src/xinput.xml
index 4f0e34c..23e05df 100644
--- a/src/xinput.xml
+++ b/src/xinput.xml
@@ -2436,18 +2436,28 @@ <event name="RawKeyPress" number="13" xge="true">
         <field type="CARD16"    name="valuators_len" />
         <field type="CARD32"    name="flags" mask="KeyEventFlags"/>
         <pad bytes="4" />
         <!-- 32 byte boundary -->
         <list type="CARD32" name="valuator_mask">
-        <!-- Uninterpreted: list (axisvalues) of FP3232,
-                            length is <popcount> on valuator_mask list -->
-        <!-- Uninterpreted: list (axisvalues_raw) of FP3232,
-                            length is <popcount> on valuator_mask list -->
+        <list type="FP3232" name="axisvalues">
+            <sumof ref="valuator_mask">
+                <popcount>
+                    <listelement-ref/>
+                </popcount>
+            </sumof>
+        </list>
+        <list type="FP3232" name="axisvalues_raw">
+            <sumof ref="valuator_mask">
+                <popcount>
+                    <listelement-ref/>
+                </popcount>
+            </sumof>
+        </list>
     <eventcopy name="RawKeyRelease" number="14" ref="RawKeyPress" />
     <event name="RawButtonPress" number="15" xge="true">
         <field type="DeviceId"  name="deviceid" altenum="Device" />
         <field type="TIMESTAMP" name="time" altenum="Time" />
@@ -2457,18 +2467,28 @@ <event name="RawButtonPress" number="15" xge="true">
         <field type="CARD16"    name="valuators_len" />
         <field type="CARD32"    name="flags" mask="PointerEventFlags"/>
         <pad bytes="4" />
         <!-- 32 byte boundary -->
         <list type="CARD32" name="valuator_mask">
-        <!-- Uninterpreted: list (axisvalues) of FP3232,
-                            length is <popcount> on valuator_mask list -->
-        <!-- Uninterpreted: list (axisvalues_raw) of FP3232,
-                            length is <popcount> on valuator_mask list -->
+        <list type="FP3232" name="axisvalues">
+            <sumof ref="valuator_mask">
+                <popcount>
+                    <listelement-ref/>
+                </popcount>
+            </sumof>
+        </list>
+        <list type="FP3232" name="axisvalues_raw">
+            <sumof ref="valuator_mask">
+                <popcount>
+                    <listelement-ref/>
+                </popcount>
+            </sumof>
+        </list>
     <eventcopy name="RawButtonRelease" number="16" ref="RawButtonPress" />
     <eventcopy name="RawMotion"        number="17" ref="RawButtonPress" />
     <!-- ⋅⋅⋅ Events (v2.2) ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ -->
@@ -2544,18 +2564,28 @@ <event name="RawTouchBegin" number="22" xge="true">
         <field type="CARD16"    name="valuators_len" />
         <field type="CARD32"    name="flags" mask="TouchEventFlags"/>
         <pad bytes="4" />
         <!-- 32 byte boundary -->
         <list type="CARD32" name="valuator_mask">
-        <!-- Uninterpreted: list (axisvalues) of FP3232,
-                            length is <popcount> on valuator_mask list -->
-        <!-- Uninterpreted: list (axisvalues_raw) of FP3232,
-                            length is <popcount> on valuator_mask list -->
+        <list type="FP3232" name="axisvalues">
+            <sumof ref="valuator_mask">
+                <popcount>
+                    <listelement-ref/>
+                </popcount>
+            </sumof>
+        </list>
+        <list type="FP3232" name="axisvalues_raw">
+            <sumof ref="valuator_mask">
+                <popcount>
+                    <listelement-ref/>
+                </popcount>
+            </sumof>
+        </list>
     <eventcopy name="RawTouchUpdate" number="23" ref="RawTouchBegin" />
     <eventcopy name="RawTouchEnd"    number="24" ref="RawTouchBegin" />
     <!-- ⋅⋅⋅ Events (v2.3) ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ -->

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