[Xcb] [PATCH libxcb] make lists after align-pads work

Christian Linhart chris at demorecorder.com
Fri Sep 19 04:44:38 PDT 2014

Handle align-pads when generating an end-function
in the same way as handling them when generating
an accessor or iterator function.

This patch can be applied to branch master
or to the result of my pending patchsets.
 src/c_client.py | 14 ++++++++++----
 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/c_client.py b/src/c_client.py
index 33c86b3..b5a1e0c 100644
--- a/src/c_client.py
+++ b/src/c_client.py
@@ -1976,18 +1976,24 @@ def _c_accessors_list(self, field):
         if switch_obj is not None:
             _c('    i.data = %s + %s;', fields[field.c_field_name][0],
                _c_accessor_get_expr(field.type.expr, fields))
         elif field.prev_varsized_field == None:
             _c('    i.data = ((%s *) (R + 1)) + (%s);', field.type.c_wiretype,
                _c_accessor_get_expr(field.type.expr, fields))
-            _c('    xcb_generic_iterator_t child = %s;',
-               _c_iterator_get_end(field.prev_varsized_field, 'R'))
-            _c('    i.data = ((%s *) child.data) + (%s);', field.type.c_wiretype,
-               _c_accessor_get_expr(field.type.expr, fields))
+            (prev_varsized_field, align_pad) = get_align_pad(field)
+            if align_pad is None:
+                align_pad = ('XCB_TYPE_PAD(%s, prev.index)' %
+                    type_pad_type(field.first_field_after_varsized.type.c_type))
+            _c('    xcb_generic_iterator_t prev = %s;',
+                _c_iterator_get_end(prev_varsized_field, 'R'))
+            _c('    i.data = ((%s *) prev.data) + %s + (%s);', field.type.c_wiretype,
+                align_pad, _c_accessor_get_expr(field.type.expr, fields))
         _c('    i.rem = 0;')
         _c('    i.index = (char *) i.data - (char *) %s;', param)
         _c('    return i;')

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