A problem about reading the source code

Uli Schlachter psychon at znc.in
Fri Dec 29 13:00:41 UTC 2023

Hi starcold,

Am 29.12.23 um 09:37 schrieb starcold14:
> Hi,
> I'm a newbie and don't know much about libxcb,

There is xcb/proto and libxcb. proto contains a XML description of the 
X11 protocol and libxcb uses this XML to generate C code.

> and I'm currently having a
> problem where when I want to find a function named xcb_grab_pointer_reply, I
> can't find it in the code from
> gitlab(https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/xorg/lib/libxcb
> <https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/xorg/lib/libxcb>) using the grep tool.

You can find he XML specification for GrabPointer here: [0]


When you build libxcb from source, the appropriate C code is then 
generated. You won't find much helpful in there. This is the generated 
code for xcb_grab_pointer_reply():

xcb_grab_pointer_reply_t *
xcb_grab_pointer_reply (xcb_connection_t           *c,
                         xcb_grab_pointer_cookie_t   cookie  /**< */,
                         xcb_generic_error_t       **e)
     return (xcb_grab_pointer_reply_t *) xcb_wait_for_reply(c, 
cookie.sequence, e);

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