Hello Everyone,<br><br>Finally, first month of my GSoC has been over and it was surely full of up's and down's. So far I have understood the complex code generation involving various cases, complex types etc over the past. And I guess this was the perfect way to start to my project as this gave me a fair idea of any hacks that I try to bring in the code. [ Thanks Josh for suggesting me this way start my work on the project ]<br>
<br>Also it has been long I am trying to patch a bug, I had several discussion with pharris ( I apologise for pestering you so much ) over the same. I am still studying c_client.py and a quick glance of it reveals '_c_serialize_helper_insert_ function', with context being sizeof, is responsible for xcb_str_sizeof in xproto.c. So I believe this might need some hacks.<br>
Also, if I am not wrong there is a problem with xcb_str_next with respect master and 1.7, but for this I have a very n00b and basic idea like if self.c_next_name == 'xcb_str_next': # and then necessary conditions of _c('whatever'); might solve the purpose. If this feels a way then can we specifically do the same for other buggy issues.<br>
<br>Along with this, can there be a way in which I can find if the type is a string and then explicitly handle the padding, <br>Please help me on the bug :(<br><br>Also many a time I felt this weird issue, if I try to print any variable in c_client.py,the output came only for a couple of files like xkb.xml and one or two more, also whenever I tried to have _c(printf('blah blah'); ) I recvied hell lot of warnings<br>
<br>Finally, if I make some hacks, how do I finally test the code, if things went right or not.<br><br>Expecting a reply very soon :)<br><br>And wish me luck, 1st assessment a week away and I am damn scared, this being my first GSoC and a project at this scale<br>
<br>Love <br><br>Vikash Agrawal<br><br>