[Registry] Re: LinuxRegistry in Freedesktop & KDE

C. Gatzemeier c.gatzemeier at tu-bs.de
Wed Apr 21 15:37:58 EEST 2004

Am Mittwoch, 21. April 2004 14:08 schrieb Daniel M. Lambea:

>   What do you get from the LR?

> Firstly, a common config editing software
> for whatever you want, in key-by-key or linear mode (or whatever mode we
> wanted).

LR like any other backend is unrelated to that, it doesn't provide editing 
software nor information and to just mimic a key-value registry in filesystem  
doesn't take you too far. You're probably thinking about somthing that looks 
similar to this?: http://config4gnu.sourceforge.net/screenshots

If I look into install stuff I understand that the common packet management 
systems around are superior to some company's, only good enough to sell, 
".dll hell shield". -  It's not about copying other os's things, it's about 
superior solutions. Synaptic and autopackage might be an example. That is 
cool stuff. Complainig how hard compiling might be for a user to update 
something is also not very correct because that is an option he just doesn't 
have with proprietary shrinkwraped software copies ("products"). Before going 
into a "all for LR" mode we should look around, and value what is there.


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