UniConf auto: configuration

Thomas Leonard tal00r at ecs.soton.ac.uk
Thu Aug 5 13:00:55 EEST 2004

On Thu, Aug 05, 2004 at 12:29:53AM -0400, Avery Pennarun wrote:
> For those following the exciting saga, today I implemented the auto: moniker
> for UniConf.  This makes it so that individual applications can just connect
> "to UniConf", whatever that is, and have it store their configuration
> somewhere appropriate.
> To use it, you use the moniker auto:my/app/name.  For example,
> Galeon would just use the hardcoded string "auto:org/gnome/apps/galeon".
> The configuration configuration (metaconfiguration?) comes from
> /etc/uniconf.conf.  Here's a sample:
> 	org/gnome = gconf:
> 	org/gnome/apps/myapp = ini:/tmp/myapp.ini
> 	org/kde/apps/* = ini:$HOME/.kde/share/apps/*1
> 	/ = ini:/tmp/everything-else.ini
> This way, any app starting with org/gnome attaches to gconf and then goes
> into that gconf subtree; for example org/gnome/apps/galeon goes into
> apps/galeon in gconf (which happens to be where galeon already stores its
> configuration!).

Right, sounds great! So, galeon can access all keys this way:

	auto:/org/gnome/apps/galeon   	(gconf:/apps/galeon)
	auto:/org/kde/apps		(share/apps/...)
	auto:/foo			(/tmp/everything-else.ini)

> This is all preliminary, in UniConf CVS.  Let me know if this sounds right
> to you, and if there are any other features people would like to see.

Could the config file be $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS/uniconf.conf [1]? That would
allow users to override it (for example, if I get a login somewhere else,
I can make it get my settings from my main machine, just for my user).

Once there's a separate release, I'll look at whether we can use it in ROX
(we need a new config system anyway). The main requirements for us are
that it can be easily installed, has minimal dependancies and can run
optionally without a daemon (some of our users run on low-end systems, or
just don't like having too many processes).


[1] http://www.freedesktop.org/Standards/basedir-spec

Thomas Leonard			http://rox.sourceforge.net
tal00r at ecs.soton.ac.uk	tal197 at users.sourceforge.net
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