console/desktop integration

Dennis Heuer dennis at
Mon Aug 9 18:46:30 EEST 2004

Last message to this because you seem to be completely braindead:

No application provides "--parameter-list" at this moment, the article proposes it. The parameter is proposed for "how" (get it?), again, "how" integrating still used applications. It is an idea about how this can work a way other things like "app --help" already work. With your comment you've showed that you did not even read the article yet.

The proposal is about selecting a command that's unknown to the used environment (e.g., the GNOME Desktop Environment) but known to the user. He selected it. The proposal is not about basing GNOME on this idea, it is about giving the user a chance to integrate his console tools in situations like shown with the volume manager dialog more easily. It is very helpful in many situations. It is not about starting something found by accident and looking nicely. And, what if there's a desktop app looking harmless but scratching the user's disk (by accident)? Your argument is so senseless because malicious code is malicious code, no matter if started from desktop or console. It seems that you only talk and think about the case of distributed environments, excluding downloads from the net etc. In this case an alert telling the user that he is leaving safety area can do it. The admin may just switch off the option completely. My proposal is for people having more rights on their system and wanting to use them.

You are off topic completely. What I was "proposing" (it's not a project yet but a case for discussion) is not about any of the cases described by you. It's all in my article, and nothing else. Your problem with the article is not the article but your self-focused view-point. Smoke a joint and try reading it again...

But, stop talking over it, please!!!

Don't wanna read more of that...


>"Tautologizm to coś tautologicznego"
>   Maciej Katafiasz <mnews2 at>

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