Media/Device Type Spec???

Dave Cridland dave at
Fri Aug 20 17:25:44 EEST 2004

On Fri Aug 20 14:06:24 2004, Alexander Larsson wrote:
> > 2) 'dav' scheme is registered, but means something else, 'davs' 
> is > not. [dav: is a URN used for XML namespacing]
> This is wrong. dav: is registred both as a xml namespace and as a 
> uri
> scheme, see 
Are you sure? I understand they're a valid, and registered, URI 
scheme, but my impression was that they were only used for XML 
namespacing, and no other purpose.

(Actually, I thought XML namespaces were all URIs, but I'm no expert 
on XML.)

RFC2518, which defines it, certainly doesn't appear to mandate its 
use as anything but a namespace.

WebDAV isn't something I claim any expertise on, however, so I'll 
happily stand corrected, and I'm deeply unclear on what RFC2518 
section 18 means in the paragraph about DAV:creationdate - is this a 
URL to the creationdate property of the current resource? (Implying 
"dav" is at best a URL at resource scope, akin to "cid" with email 


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