Scheduling subsystems (crontab, at) and the desktop

C. Gatzemeier c.gatzemeier at
Thu Jul 22 17:59:00 EEST 2004

Am Thursday 22 July 2004 14:55 schrieb Maciej Katafiasz:
> so stay tuned :). Right now there's preliminary document available at

Hey, do I read this right? Are you rather planning a unifying framework than 
an actual crond replacement?
Because that was what I also meant by pointing to CFG in my first respose. It 
seems there is quite a lot of overlap with the discussion on general 
configuration API/framework we had here a while ago. "A crontab is a file 
with a format" thus can be configured.

A particular thing you seem to address that CFG does not yet have is a notion 
for is handling of notifications. Another thing is d-bus, which was not yet 
there when CFG was first planned, but would fit in there very good now. Maybe 
you would like to have a look at the architecture and see if your ideas could 
be applied. 


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