Location of recently-used file

Nikolai Weibull now at bitwi.se
Thu Aug 10 15:10:39 EEST 2006


The issue is the name and location of the recently-used file.  In Gtk
2.10.0, the location changed to ~/.recently-used.xbel, because the
format changed.  This change doesn't agree with neither the xml
format, nor the location of the file, as specified in version 0.2 of
the "Recent File Storage Specification" [1].  Also, following the 0.6
version of the "XDG Base Directory Specification" [2] suggests that it
should be stored in either $XDG_CACHE_HOME/recently-used.xbel or
$XDG_DATA_HOME/recently-used.xbel depending on how "essential" this
data is.

So it seems that [1] needs an update, if the new format that Gtk is
using is the one that XDG wants to use as well, which I suppose it is.
 Also, why doesn't [1] follow the suggestions for file locations as
specified in [2].


[1] http://standards.freedesktop.org/recent-file-spec/recent-file-spec-0.2.html
[2] http://standards.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-0.6.html

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