simple search api (was Re: mimetype standardisation by testsets)

Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen mikkel.kamstrup at
Tue Nov 21 18:26:57 EET 2006

Ok, let me summarize my thoughts about the status so far.

Interface: OK, with a few "but"s:
 - add getSnippet (in: s query, in: uris as, out: snippets a{ss})
   Returns a map of uri->snippet, with the snippet containing simple markup
to highlight the matching part. The markup should probably be limited to <b>
and <i> tags. Only uris actually having a meaning full snippet are returned.
 Example getSnippet("hello", ["file:///tmp/test.c", "
file:///tmp/portrait.jpg"]) returns
world");... "]

 - Query language:
Needs to be defined for the api to be of any real use. Something close to
beagle/strigi/lucene/google is probably the best. Also spotlights language
should be in the consideration.
As an application developer I strongly move for a "group:" switch to be
included in this language spec. The discussion on what these groups should
contain can be post poned a bit.
Another switch for the query language could be "sort:" with some sane
sorting options...

lib vs daemon:
I must admit I'm still in favor of a lib. In short the lib should function
 - getInterfaceProvider(iface): return (objectPath, iface) this call is
async an integrates in both QT and Glib mainloops.
 - If it is not feasible to find the interface provider at runtime, I see
nothing wrong in precompiling a list of providers from installed
introspection xml, or dbus activation files.

I still think we can use a lot of your code though.

I'll try and put something with a little more rationale behind it on the
wiki tonight.

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