proposal for extending XSETTINGS registry keys

Matthias Clasen mclasen at
Wed Apr 4 22:10:22 PDT 2007

> > I'll try to sit down sometime this week and write up some explanations
> > of the semantics that the current keys have in GTK+.

Ok, as promised, here is some information on settings used in GTK+:

Net/DoubleClickTime		int	Maximum time allowed between
                                        two clicks for them to be 
                                        considered a double click, in
Net/DoubleClickDistance		int	Maximum stance allowed between
                                        two clicks for them to be
                                        considered a double click, in
Net/DndDragThreshold		int	Number of pixels the cursor can
                                        move before dragging
Net/CursorBlink			bool	Whether the cursor should blink
Net/CursorBlinkTime		int	Length of the cursor blink
                                        cycle, in milliseconds
Net/ThemeName			string	Name of the widget theme	
Net/IconThemeName		string	Name of the icon theme
Net/FallbackIconTheme		string	Name of an icon theme to try as
                                        a last resort

Xft/Antialias			int	Whether to antialias Xft fonts;
                                        0=no, 1=yes, -1=default
Xft/Hinting			int	Whether to hint Xft fonts; 
                                        0=no, 1=yes, -1=default
Xft/HintStyle			string	What degree of hinting to use;
                                        hintnone, hintslight,
                                        hintmedium, or hintfull
Xft/RGBA			string	Type of subpixel antialiasing;
                                        none, rgb, bgr, vrgb, vbgr
Xft/DPI				int	Resolution for Xft, in 1024 *
                                        dots/inch. -1 to use default

Gtk/CanChangeAccels		bool	Whether menu accelerators can be
                                        changed by pressing a key over
                                        the menu item
Gtk/ColorPalette		string	Palette to use in the color
                                        selector, colon-separated list
                                        of colors (that can be parsed by
                                        gdk_parse_color) e.g. 
Gtk/FontName			string	Name of default font to use,
                                        e.g. "Sans 10"
Gtk/IconSizes			string	List of named icon sizes, e.g.
                                        Standard names are gtk-menu,
                                        gtk-button, gtk-small-toolbar,
                                        gtk-large-toolbar, gtk-dnd,
                                        gtk-dialog, but app-specific
                                        names are possible
Gtk/KeyThemeName		string	Name of the key theme. GTK+
                                        allows a lot of key bindings to
                                        be "themed", there is a vi theme
                                        and an emacs theme
Gtk/ToolbarStyle		enum	Whether default toolbars have
                                        text only, text and icons, icons
                                        only, etc. (0=icons, 1=text,
                                        2=both, 3=both_horiz)
Gtk/ToolbarIconSize		enum	Size of icons in default
                                        toolbars, refers to the sizes
                                        defined by the Gtk/IconSizes
                                        setting (1=gtk-menu,
					4=gtk-button, 5=gtk-dnd,
Gtk/IMPreeditStyle		enum	How to draw the input method
                                        preedit string when using xim 
					(0=nothing, 1=callback, 2=none)
Gtk/IMStatusStyle		enum 	How to draw the input method
                                        statusbar when using xim 
					(0=nothing, 1=callback, 2=none)
Gtk/Modules			string	A colon-separated list of GTK+
                                        modules to load
Gtk/FileChooserBackend		string	Name of the filechooser backend
                                        to use by default, "gtk" or
Gtk/ButtonImages		bool	Whether stock icons should be
                                        shown in buttons
Gtk/MenuImages			bool	Whether icons should be shown in
Gtk/MenuBarAccel		string	Keybinding to activate the menu
                                        bar, e.g. "F10"
Gtk/CursorThemeName		string	Name of the cursor theme to use,
                                        or NULL to use the default theme
Gtk/CursorThemeSize		int	Size to use for cursors, or 0 to
                                        use the default size
Gtk/ShowInputMethodMenu		bool	Whether the context menus of
                                        text widgets should offer to 
                                        change the input method. This is
                                        intended for use with
                                        desktop-wide input method
                                        frameworks like scim
Gtk/ShowUnicodeMenu		bool	Whether the context menus of
                                        text widgets should offer to
                                        insert control characters
Gtk/TimeoutInitial		int	Starting value for timeouts,
                                        when button is pressed, in
                                        milliseconds. This is used in
                                        widgets which "spin" when
                                        buttons are held down, like
                                        spin buttons, calendars, ranges,
Gtk/TimeoutRepeat		int	Repeat value for timeouts,
                                        when button is pressed, in
                                        milliseconds. This is used in
                                        widgets which "spin" when
                                        buttons are held down, like
                                        spin buttons, calendars, ranges,
Gtk/ColorScheme			string	A palette of named colors for
                                        use in themes. These colors are
                                        not directly mapped to style
                                        colors, GTK+ themes use them as
                                        input to define the actual 
					style colors. The format is a
                                        sequence of name: color pairs,
                                        separated by ; or newlines
Gtk/EnableAnimations		bool	Whether to enable toolkit-wide
                                        animations, e.g.
                                        collapsing/expanding of
					expanders in treeviews, and
                                        movement of toolbar content
Gtk/TouchscreenMode		bool	Change the toolkit behaviour to
                                        be more suitable for
                                        touchscreens, e.g. turn off

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