Simple search API proposal, take 2

Jamie McCracken jamiemcc at
Mon Jan 15 06:55:00 PST 2007

Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen wrote:
> The HitID would be opaque, so any server could use the uri if it wanted 
> to do that.

I was thinking of the clients!

>     If a HItID is used it could place extra burden on the client to manage
>     HitID->URI transfers. I guess looking at real world apps and their needs
>     will determine which is more suitable...
> I don't think I understand the complications... What is the problem in 
> requesting the uri property of the hits?

if the live signals (HitAdded, HitRemoved) only contained HitID and not 
URI then clients would need to manage the HitID->URI relationship

On the other hand maybe the signals should send both HitID and URI so 
allowing the client to manage them in either fashion?

Mr Jamie McCracken

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