
Danny Kukawka dkukawka at
Tue Mar 27 03:43:33 PDT 2007

On Dienstag, 27. März 2007, Richard Hughes wrote:
> I've been discussing this on my blog,
> and have come up with a
> *DRAFT* specification here:

Some other things from the draft:

> Standby is the action where the CPU is held in a low power state but no data  
> is saved to RAM or hard disk.

You can't say clearly IIRC if something get saved to RAM, because this get 
normaly handled by the bios and depend on the bios implementation. I have 
seen machines which show the same behavior on Standby as on suspend-to-ram.

> Standard Nomenclature
> This section describes the standard nomenclature that should be used by 
> programmers when implementing the Power Management Specification.  

> Standby

If you provide information about Standby, why are there no functions on the 
interface to call Standby (Standby/CanStandby/CanStandbyChanged/)? I know HAL 
don't provide a interface by default, but there are (maybe old) machines 
which support no suspend-to-ram but work with Standby.

Danny Kukawka
dkukawka at
Mobile Devices
SUSE LINUX a Novell Business
Maxfeldstr. 5, D-90409 Nuernberg, Germany
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