Xesam meta-meta-data spec needs attention.

Sebastian Trüg strueg at mandriva.com
Fri May 4 06:35:58 PDT 2007

Seems to be no problem:

Sebastian Trüg wrote:
> Hi guys,
> does Trig support internationalized tags? Like we do with XML:
> <rdfs:comment>...
> <rdfs:comment xml:lang="de">...

Yes, see http://sites.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/suhl/bizer/TriG/Spec/ .
TriG is really like N3/N-TRIPLES/Turtle, so
supports all official aspects of RDF (a lossless round-trip
with RDF/XML is possible, if you don't count indentation).

This is the relevant part from the spec:

literal  	::=  	langString | datatypeString | integer
langString 	::= 	'"' string '"' ( '@' language )?
datatypeString 	::= 	'"' string '"^^' (uriref | qname)
integer 	::= 	[0-9]+
Interpreted as an xsd:integer and generates a datatyped literal with the
datatype URI http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#integer and canonical
lexical form - no leading zeros.

So both language specifications and XSD datatypes are fully
supported (and, just as in RDF, a literal can have only one of
them; it is not allowed for a literal to have a language
and a datatype; languages only apply to plain strings).


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