Wish: provide a MIME type for POD files

Krzysztof Żelechowski giecrilj at stegny.2a.pl
Mon Dec 6 00:50:43 PST 2010

<URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt3//Public/Bug/Display.html?id=80246 >

BTW, what is the purpose of text/x-install?  How is it different from text/plain?  Each time I open an INSTALL document, KDE warns me that it is not fully supported and encourages me to let it search the packages that handle it better than the text editor (this function a.k.a. KSUSEInstall).  So, what would that desired application be?

Please remove this annoyance.

Why not at Bugzilla:

<URL: http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/xdg/2010-December/011735.html >

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