Hey Everyone,<br><br>I'd like to propose an addition to the .desktop file spec.<br><br>My proposal is a key of the name "ExecComment" in the main [Desktop] section.<br>First just an example:<br><br>[Desktop Entry]
<br>Name=BMPx<br>Comment=Play music<br>TryExec=bmpx<br>Exec=bmpx<br>Icon=bmpx.png<br>ExecComment=Play File<br>...<br><br> <br>The intention of this is so file managers can show instead of (using Nautilus as example here now):
<br><br>[GTK STOCK OPEN] Open with BMPx...<br><br>something like:<br><br>[BMPx ICON] BMPx (Play File)<br><br>Just for the sake, another example might be:<br><br><br>[Desktop Entry]
<br>Name=EOG<br>Comment=View Images<br>TryExec=eog<br>Exec=eog<br>Icon=eog.png<br>ExecComment=View Image<br>...<br><br><br>In
these particular examples it might seem like Comment= would be usable for
that, but it's actually not, since Comment= describes the application,
not what happens on Exec (which is the exact point of ExecComment). Couldn't come up with an example off hand that has a rather different Comment= field than ExecComment= would be, but i guess you get the semantic difference anyway.
<br><br>I talked with dobey for a few minutes on that topic in #freedesktop,
and he argued about 2 things (alledgedly, i somehow talked him either
into boredom or annoyance so we didn't proceed with the discussion,
sorry again at this occasion). In any case, he said:
<br><br>1) This is improper use, since this would be an action<br>But
i argue that this is nothing different than the current "Open with..."
just more verbose, and easier for the user to pick since he's faster at
finding an icon visually rather than reading all the "Open with
$APP_NAME" entries. If the current "Open with..." is not an "action",
what is it then? (To put it this way around). <br><br>I'm aware about the [Desktop Action ...] spec part, but this
is another case, where one might even argue whether this spec makes
much sense, since in the context of the whole desktop environment,
opening a file with a particular app already constitutes an action in
the very sense of the word, and one might argue if the distinction
between [Desktop] and [Desktop Action ...] really makes sense, or if
it's not just a hack-on onto broken or just inherited and wildly-grown
semantics from over the past few years.
<br><br>2) The icon adds visual noise<br>I don't think this is the
case here. It will much rather help the user to pick his desired
application faster. (Sorry for the irony, but you might then as well
remove the icons from the gnome-panel menu and replace them with
<br><br>Ok so far for my proposal, what do you think about it?<br><br>Regards,<br>Milosz Derezynski<br><br>------------------------<br><a href="http://beep-media-player.org/" target="_blank" onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)">
http://beep-media-player.org</a> | In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they're not!