Hi,<br><br>I'm one of the main authors of BMP 2 (still being worked on), and along the way of reworking our library, i came across the idea of encoding library queries as URIs, which may look like this:<br><br>"query:///?artist=Air&album=Moon%20Safari"
<br><br>BMP 2 has a plugin archicture which is a small VFS on it's own, and we treat certain things as "containers" (i.e. they "contain" URIs, like PLS playlists, XSPF, M3U, etc).<br>Now i thought it might be not a bad idea to create a playlist format with these query URLs, and i've called it "MLQ" for media library query. In theory, it's not even
<br>application specific. The keys (identifiers), like artist, album, etc, are all based on GStreamer tag identifiers. (They could be maybe adapted to <a href="http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Standards_2faudio_2dmetadata_2dspec">
http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Standards_2faudio_2dmetadata_2dspec</a> , but it seems insufficient and doesn't specify certain items, like musicbrainz metadata, which GST does).<br><br>So i've called this file format "MLQ", with the extension .mlq, created a mime package file for it:
<br><br><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><br><mime-info xmlns="<a href="http://www.freedesktop.org/standards/shared-mime-info">http://www.freedesktop.org/standards/shared-mime-info</a>
"><br> <mime-type type="application/x-media-library-query"><br> <comment xml:lang="en">Media Library Query List</comment><br> <magic priority="50">
<br> <match value="query:///" type="string" offset="0"/><br> </magic><br> <glob pattern="*.mlq"/><br> </mime-type><br></mime-info>
<br><br>Adding a file of this type to BMPx, or just a plain query:/// URI itself causes a library query and appending of the relevant items to the tracklist (BMP is currently mostly based on the concept of a mutable playlist to which items can be added from various sources, unlike
e.g. RB which has mostly immutable "Playlists", but allows for custom queues).<br><br>Another example is:<br><br>query:///?artist=Air&album=Moon%20Safari&title=La%20Femme%20d'Argent<br>query:///?artist=Air&album=Moon%20Safari&title=Sexy%20Boy
<br>query:///?artist=Air&album=Moon%20Safari&title=New%20Star%20In%20The%20Sky<br>query:///?artist=Air&album=Moon%20Safari&title=Le%20Voyage%20De%20Penelope<br><br>Or it might just be:<br><br>query:///?genre=Jazz
<br><br>Since this is very common, and having the discussions about a common music database in mind, this seems like a useful proposal, since it is not player specific.<br>This ships currently with BMP 2/BMPx SVN, and while i will ship this with the
0.20 release (end-July) anyway, what does everyone think of this in a broader context (common music database, etc)?<br><br>-- Milosz<br>