Hi,<br><br>I've noticed a bit of a shortcoming in the menu specification. It seems there's no way for a menu editor to provide menus that override parts of a .desktop file, like say the "no display" attribute, without copying the complete .desktop file to the user's menu directory. This seems a bit strange to me, since it would seem to be a pretty common case. The problem comes in the following instance:
<br><br>1. User installs package XYZ (which has nodisplay=true in xyz.desktop, so doesn't show up in the menus by default)<br>2. User runs a menu editor and sets it to display, causing the menu editor to copy the .desktop file to ~/.menus/ with nodisplay=false
<br>3. User upgrades package XYZ which has changed its binary's name to xyz2<br>4. User's menu has now broken<br><br>This could be fixed by changing either the .menu spec, allowing overrides to be placed there, perhaps as an attribute to <Include>, or by changing the .desktop spec to allow files like this:
<br><br>[Desktop Entry]<br>Inherits=true<br>NoDisplay=false<br><br>which would then inherit all other properties from any previous file with the same desktop id.<br><br>The big downside to this is that all properties now have to be Optional, and this could cause even more trouble. So there's probably a better solution out there that doesn't suffer from this problem.