About the Simple api:<br><br>Picking up on an "old" issue. There was semi-agreement that the properties to be retrieved from a Query should be passed to GetHits, as GetHits(handle, offset, limit, props).<br><br>Each time I look at this it makes me feel very weird. Are you guys sure this is what we want? Think about stateless find/grep implementations, ultra light search daemons... I would guess that at least some servers might benefit greatly from knowing what fields to extract as soon as possible.
<br><br>To this end I re-propose to add the props list to the Query constructor. Giving us an api like:<br><br> Query (xml, props,handle) --> handle<br> GetHits (handle, offset, limit) --> hits<br><br>The most obvious problem is that it leaves the Snippets to be retrieved along side other properties - which we agreed on was a bad idea. Since each hit is uniquely determined in a query context by its sequence number, we could use that to look up additional hit metadata, fx. the snippet. Adding API like so:
<br><br> GetHitMetadata (in s handle, in ai hits, in as props) --> results<br><br>What do you guys say? If you decline again I shall accept it and hold my peace regarding this issue. Cheers,<br><br>Mikkel<br>