I updated the proposal (and wiki examples) with the following to reflect recent discussions (some where off-list, sorry):<br><br> - Allow to embed the user level language in a query<br> - let the stemming enablement be undefined by defualt
<br> - Allow a language hint on strings<br> - Introduce a fullText selector, for searching in "all fields where it makes sense"<br> - A "type" attribute on the query element specifying the type of objects to look for - fx "music" or "video". The names of the types still have to be settled upon in the metadata spec - these will also be available through the end-user language
<br><br>Outstanding Issues:<br> - Should we have an XOR selector?<br> - Should we allow multiple words in the proximity selector (left out because it has some ambiguitites right now)?<br> - Is the way of negating an expression ugly? Right now you specify the attribute negate="true" of a collectible ("and", "or" or a selector type). See 3rd example on wiki.
<br> - Specify the end-user language<br><br>Cheers,<br>Mikkel<br>