Hello,<br><br>I would like to encourage the works related to drafting a standard regarding Directory bundles.<br>Out of there we have: ROS, ROX AppDir, GnuSTEP bundles / OSX one and so on.<br><br>I made a concept-upgrade to the generic bundle system, introducing what I mean as SpatialBundles in term of single file data/applications "spacial" manipulation self contained Bundle.
<br>I'm using the ROX /Linux-ix86 structure so in case you need to navigate the inner folder of the SpatialBundle using ROX filer, you engage the right rox proxy (AppRun, .DirIcon, /Linux-ix86, ...).<br>To understand my direction I invite you to test directly a, what i mean, technology preview...this is a working in progress and when it's mature for my minimal standard I release the builder.
<br>The main core of the wrapper is based on bash scripts that are embedded into the Bundle and provide methods to manipulate the payload aka the real application you need.<br>Using a bash script I can build SpatialBundles across all UNIXes supporting it (*BSD, OSX, Linux based, ...).
<br>You have just a file to run, nothing else.<br><br>I've made some test case and you can find more information here:<br><br><a href="http://developerinfodomestic.blogspot.com/2007/09/iocalendar-sunbird-ready-for-masses.html">
http://developerinfodomestic.blogspot.com/2007/09/iocalendar-sunbird-ready-for-masses.html</a><br><br>Here more to download:<br><br><a href="http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=199098">http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=199098
</a><br><br>This is what I think something that goes beyond Autopackage, directory bundles, every Klik like systems.<br><br>Does not require installation<br>Depend only on bash<br>Run totally unprivileged<br>Can be manipulate like an file-object so: drag and drop, cut and paste, delete, trash, move, pipe, send via mail, send via bluetooth, distribute via DVD and so on...
<br>With the right translator can run on windows so you go really across OSes (via bash for windows translator).<br>I'm adding new methods and paradigms in my week ends and hope as soon as possible to release a skeleton to provide developers the right tools to build packages.
<br><br>Hope this can help you to improve Bundle drafts.<br><br>See you soon,<br><br>Luca Cappelletti<br><br><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>---<br>Luca Cappelletti<br><a href="http://Infodomestic.com">Infodomestic.com</a><br>
<br>"...Together we stand, divided we fall."<br><br>.O.<br>..O<br>OOO<br><br><br>GTalk: luca <dot> cappelletti <at> gmail <dot> com<br>Jabber: luca <dot> cappelletti <at> jabber <dot> org
<br>MSN: luca <underscore> cappelletti <at> hotmail <dot> com<br>Skype: luca <dot> cappelletti<br>Linux Registered User: #223411<br>Ubuntu Registered User: #7221<br><a href="http://www.advogato.org/person/mutek/">
http://www.advogato.org/person/mutek/</a><br><a href="http://persone.softwarelibero.org/person/mutek">http://persone.softwarelibero.org/person/mutek</a><br><a href="https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucaCappelletti/">https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucaCappelletti/
</a><br>"l'intelligenza è utile per la sopravvivenza se ci permette di estinguere una cattiva idea prima che la cattiva idea estingua noi"<br><br>"La chiave di ogni uomo è il suo pensiero. Benché egli possa apparire saldo e autonomo, ha un criterio cui obbedisce, che è l'idea in base alla quale classifica tutte le cose. Può essere cambiato solo mostrandogli una nuova idea che sovrasti la sua"
<br><br>"Uno studioso è soltanto un modo in cui una biblioteca crea un'altra biblioteca "