Hi all,<br><br>As the subject says, XESAM RC1 is out, much later than I had hoped, but well - if you want the bad excuses read my blog. Let me talk a little before I give you the link to the spec.<br><br>As you may know we have an age old project request[1] up on FDO bugzilla. This plus the horribly slow wiki hosted at FDO finally drove me to set up our own wiki at
<a href="http://xesam.org">http://xesam.org</a>. All the FDO XESAM pages has been DEPRECATED.<br><br>Let me stress that we are still a FDO project, our wiki is just hosted elsewhere (and maybe primary mailing list in the future). I'm sorry for those of you who will have to have "yet another wiki account".
<br><br>That aside: <a href="http://xesam.org/main/Xesam90">http://xesam.org/main/Xesam90</a> is what you want to look at. There are compiled PDF versions of the spec and onto there too (huzza for docbook export (which the FDO wiki doesn't have)).
<br><br>Please comment here or on #xesam at FreeNode.<br><br>CHANGELOG:<br>It is a bit bigger than I had hoped, but here goes...<br><br> User Search Language<br> * Keywords to fields map defined<br> * Type selector defined to search both source and content types
<br> * PUNT: Unit system ie, fx no 1KB, you must write 1024<br><br>Query Language<br> * Rename "type" selector to "category" and change its attributes to "content" and "source" as the query element attrs.
<br> * Rename "storedAs" attr on query element to "source"<br> * Add element def for userQuery element<br><br>Search API<br> * Return type for GetHits and GetHitData remains "aav" (not really a change)
<br> * Default values for unset fields defined<br> *
Allow to return almost arbitrary types for fields - ie does not have to
match the one speciified by the onto, just convert cleanly<br> * Define in what cases dbus errors should be returned<br> * Rename session prop vendor.ontology.storages to vendor.ontology.sources<br><br>Versioned<br> *
This state of the xesam specification is versioned (0.9), which means
that you can actually use it. Implementations should report the
vendor.xesam property 90.<br><br>PUNTED:<br> * The UI API<br> *
(controversial) Ontology format. There is no need to specify it for
1.0. 3rd parties would still need to do a lot of engine-specific stuff
to use custom extractors anyway. Perhaps 1.1, maybe first at 2.0.<br><br><br><br>Cheers,<br>Mikkel<br><br><br>[1]: <a href="https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10114">https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10114
</a> (I should probably close it now that I've given up)<br>