<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"><html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }</style></head><body style=" font-family:'Droid Sans Mono'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;">On Tuesday 24 February 2009, Patryk Zawadzki wrote:<br>
> On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 5:20 PM, Alexander Larsson <alexl@redhat.com> wrote:<br>
> > On Tue, 2009-02-24 at 16:45 +0100, Patryk Zawadzki wrote:<br>
> >> For the record: even if we requrie this specific file type to be<br>
> >> executable AND provide a binfmt launcher (please don't add the<br>
> >> xdg-open shebang, it's an ugly workaround), it still does not solve<br>
> >> much in "the big picture". It's still perfectly possible to create a<br>
> >> desktop file, mark it as executable then archive it and send it to<br>
> >> your friend (naming it pr0n.tar.gz).<br>
> ><br>
> > Then they could as well just zip up a normal executable and name it<br>
> > something like "porn.jpeg ". At this level of behaviour its not really<br>
> > something you can protect against.<br>
> It's much harder to pull off when you can't get the porn.jpeg file to<br>
> display a generic JPEG icon. A desktop file allows you to fake both<br>
> name and icon (also automatically translating the name according to<br>
> user's locale!).<br>
<p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; -qt-user-state:0;"><br></p>And yet it's more than we have now. If we think of a better way afterwards it's no harm to implement it then.<br>
<p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; -qt-user-state:0;"><br></p>Regards,<br>
- Michael Pyne</p></body></html>