so you identified the problem with your installation. when running "./configure" if the configure fails, the last line of code will tell you the first dependency error. The problem is that you're missing a program/library that's required by the bluez. There's typically a whole chain of dependencies for any one program that need to be satisfied. So what you've got to do to finish compiling is to track down one by one all the dependencies that cause a configure error. In each case you need to navigate to the extracted download folder, and run the "./configure" -> "make" -> "make install" (with prefixed "sudo " in case you have a permission denial) chain pausing to satisfy each subsequent dependency as you go. In this case you want the D-Bus library (<a href=""></a>), which in turn requires the expat library (<a href=""></a>). So download and extract both then install the expat library first and then the d-bus library, then try to configure bluez again.<br>