<div dir="ltr">Today I was about to open a pdf from the terminal and realized that I forgot what my document viewer was. I tried something that I assumed wouldn't work but seemed fairly logical and obvious - the 'open' command. Now, of course, that did not work, but after a search I was somewhat surprised to see that there are commands like gnome-open and xdg-open.<br>
<br>Instead of making users google this, shouldn't we just have a universal 'open' command on all freedesktop environments? If xdg-open is desktop agnostic, then I assume it could be installed with a link/script named 'open' until a better (Non-GUI-dependent? More coordinated?) solution is found.<br>
<br>Apparently, 'open' is a command in OSX, and when this user asks what the Linux equivalent is, they are told to alias xdg-open to get similar functionality:<br><br><a href="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/264395/linux-equivalent-of-the-mac-os-x-open-command">http://stackoverflow.com/questions/264395/linux-equivalent-of-the-mac-os-x-open-command</a><br>
<br>So maybe we should have a script that calls <br>xdg-open $1 &> /dev/null<span class="sew50d7evdh9jug"></span><br><br>Imagine the following conversation:<br>new user: What command do i use to find files?<br>*nix veteran: Oh, that's easy. Use xzzy-locate.<br>
new user: W-why not...just locate? That makes sense.<br>*nix veteran: 'Cause we're a bunch of nerds.<br>new user: oh.<br><br>When I got the document open I saw that my viewer was evince. No wonder I couldn't remember.<br>
<br>Robert Qualls.</div>