[Xesam] Recommended way to support/escape quotation marks in user search language?

Sandy Armstrong sanfordarmstrong at gmail.com
Thu Sep 25 07:27:41 PDT 2008

Hi Xesam Folks,

Banshee currently uses a super-set of xesam for its user search
language  [1], but at the moment it does not support searching for
quotation marks, which occasionally occur in album/artist/track names,
etc.  The Banshee devs suggested I ping you before working on any patch. :-)

Is there any recommended way to represent a literal quotation mark in
the user search language?  Searching through the mailing list [2]
brought up some ideas but nothing definitive.

Here are the approaches I'm considering:
Escape " as \"
Escape " as ""
Escape " as ''
Treat ' in search language as ' or "

Any ideas?  Also, should this be part of the spec?  If so, what's the
best way for me to help get it added?

Thanks in advance,

[1] http://wiki.banshee-project.org/OnePointEx/Search
[2] http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/xesam/2007-December/000007.html

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