[xliff-tools] Re: Format-tags placeholders

David Fraser davidf at sjsoft.com
Mon May 2 23:47:10 PDT 2005

Asgeir Frimannsson wrote:

>On Tue, 3 May 2005 01:26, Fredrik Corneliusson wrote:
>>This brings up a question about how much help filters can give the
>>translator. For example if a message uses c-formatting and the placeholders
>>changes sequence in the translation the XLIFF to PO filter could
>>automatically add or check the sequence representation (eg. %2$s %1$s)
>>based on the ph tag id. I think could lower the entry bar for
>>translators, make translation more efficient and at the provide
>>functionality not provided by the current PO editors.
>>What's your take on this?
>I'm all for this approach (extracting parameters to <ph> elements), if it's 
>correctly implemented. Gettext supports a wide variety of source formats, and 
>extraction should occur when one of the following flags are present:
>(might have missed some)
Is there a reference somewhere for these?

>And all these languages have different rules for how a parameter is 
>represented (E.g. {1,number} for Java, %d for C), and validating/parsing all 
>these can get complex.
>..Then you have the side-cases, like when handling parameters in Farsi, you 
>have to change %d to %Id [1].
>But yeah, it's fully possible, and I hope to implement this (including 
>re-ordering) for at least c-format in my filters. But I don't think we should 
>have it as a requirement in the guide, -but we should further discuss the 
>Another issue: Are we are using a too low level of abstraction in c-based opne 
>source applications? In Qt/KDE we're using %1, %2 etc, and do further 
>formatting of the parameters in the source code, and I see this as a better 
>approach than having complex c-parameters.
>Maybe we should start using something like:
>printf( _("My name is %1s and I have %2s in my bank account"), name 
>format_currency(value, current_locale) )
>in favour of this approach:
>printf( _("My name is %1s and I have USD %2d.02 in my bank account",name, 
Yes, that looks Good.
In OpenOffice.org we have to deal with the menace of having at least 9 
different styles of declaring variables:


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