libdrm 1.0

Jon Smirl jonsmirl at
Tue Jul 12 19:32:32 PDT 2005

There are still copies of structs/defines in xf86drm.h that are
duplicates of ones in drm.h with with underscore appended.  This is
confusing since the first thing xf86drm.h does is include drm.h. I
would like to remove the duplicates in xf86drm.h. This is a great way
to cause bugs if people don't know about the duplicate defines.

Things like this:
typedef enum {
    DRM_FRAME_BUFFER    = 0,      /**< WC, no caching, no core dump */
    DRM_REGISTERS       = 1,      /**< no caching, no core dump */
    DRM_SHM             = 2,      /**< shared, cached */
    DRM_AGP             = 3,      /**< AGP/GART */
    DRM_SCATTER_GATHER  = 4,      /**< PCI scatter/gather */
    DRM_CONSISTENT      = 5       /**< PCI consistent */
} drmMapType;

typedef enum drm_map_type {
        _DRM_FRAME_BUFFER = 0,    /**< WC (no caching), no core dump */
        _DRM_REGISTERS = 1,       /**< no caching, no core dump */
        _DRM_SHM = 2,             /**< shared, cached */
        _DRM_AGP = 3,             /**< AGP/GART */
        _DRM_SCATTER_GATHER = 4,  /**< Scatter/gather memory for PCI DMA */
        _DRM_CONSISTENT = 5       /**< Consistent memory for PCI DMA */
} drm_map_type_t;

Jon Smirl
jonsmirl at

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