Getting the big picture from config file for driver configuration & validation

Michel Hubert mhubert at
Tue Mar 15 13:08:06 PST 2005

Our driver architecture includes several layers but among them we have a
cross-platform layer and an xorg layer.

Suppose we have a triple head independant configuration with Xinerama.
In this case, we have the following steps:

PreInit() for Screen 0:
1) Process & accumulate data configuration in Xorg layer (pScrn,
EntityPrivate data structure, ...).
2) initialize and build resource usage and configuration in
cross-platform layer.
3) validate request
4) Fill in structures in the xorg layer and return

For brievety sake, this PreInit() process could be recapitulated like

1) Accumulate Screen0-Xorg
2) Build Screen0-Cross0  *See note 1
3) Validate
4) Complete Screen0-Xorg

Note 1:  Screen0-Cross0 means instance 0 of CrossPlatform Layer data for
screen 0.

Now suppose PreInit() for this Screen succeeds, and a Screen 1 adds
configuration options that have an impact on Screen 0 assumptions:

5) Accumulate Screen1-Xorg
6) Detect Conflicts/Limitations
7) Build Screen1-Cross0 & Screen0-Cross1
8.1) Validate Screen1
8.2) Re-validate Screen0
9) If validate succeeds, destroy Screen0-Cross0 (and replace by
10) Adjust Screen0-Xorg with new settings according to new ressources
allocation.  See note 2.
11) Complete Screen1-Xorg

*Note 2: This have never happened for us.  But consider we have to
switch from one PLL to another, the refresh rate that we validated in
previous PreInit() could be revised to a lower value, and have an impact
on mode timings...  Or hardware memory allocation scheme that requires
two heads to be contiguous...

Suppose PreInit() succeeds again, and a Screen 2 adds configuration
options that have an impact on Screen 0 & Screen 1 assumptions:

12) Accumulate Screen2-Xorg
13) Detect Conflicts/Limitations
14) Build Screen2-Cross0 & Screen1-Cross1 & Screen0-Cross2
15.1) Validate Screen2
15.2) Re-Validate Screen1
15.3) Re-Validate Screen0
16) If validate succeeds, destroy Screen0-Cross1 & Screen1-Cross0 ( and
replace by Screen0-Cross2 & Screen1-Cross1 )
17) Adjust Screen0-Xorg & Screen1-Xorg
18) Complete Screen2-Xorg

Adjusting & revalidating previously validated pScrn is not clean. 
That's not to say that some modified values might have been previously
cached by other modules in between two PreInit() calls.

The following solutions are possible:
- expose our users to the complexity of our hardware by forcing them to
describe Screens in configuration files from the most constraint one to
the least constraint one. (quite impossible to explain & cover all
- limit some of the functionnality we offer.
- or simply give us access to xf86configptr and let us do the dirty work
for you ! 

Let's see what the latter solution means:

A) Gather config file requirements for the whole device (e.g: give
access to xf86configptr for Video Drivers)
B) Accumulate Screen0-Xorg
C) Make educated choices related to ressources and build Screen0-Cross0
D) Validate
E) Complete Screen0-Xorg

F) Accumulate Screen1-Xorg
G) Make educated choices related to ressources and build Screen1-Cross0
H) Validate
I) Complete Screen1-Xorg

J) Accumulate Screen2-Xorg
K) Make educated choices related to ressources and build Screen2-Cross0
L) Validate
M) Complete Screen2-Xorg

>From a graphic driver standpoint, the fact is that we are managing
resources for a DEVICE, not simply independant Screens.  Why not giving
us all the information when need to accomplish this task ?  
No need to say that we are most probably not the only graphic chip
vendor in this situation...

Thank you for your time,


On Tue, 2005-03-15 at 08:36, Alan Cox wrote:
> On Llu, 2005-03-14 at 22:45, Michel Hubert wrote:
> > For example, let's take a triple head configuration in Xinerama.  3
> > ScrnInfoRec are created, and PreInit() is called for each one.  Using
> > Entity Private Data, each one can know how many outputs have been
> > requested up to now and to some degree, what are the requested
> > features.  But this implies that the complete config validation has to
> > be reperformed each time a new pScrn is added and that adds a lot of
> > unncessary complexity.  
> It hurts performance at startup which ought to be minor. I'm not so sure
> about the complexity side although I've no idea how your driver looks.
> If you've got a single routine that takes a list of screens and
> validates them then you end up calling it three times, each with more
> data than the last but the routine itself is no more complex than it has
> to be anyway ?
Michel Hubert <mhubert at>
Matrox Graphics Inc.

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