disabling key auto-repetition

Roland Plüss roland at rptd.dnsalias.net
Sat Jun 3 13:21:46 PDT 2006

hi there, tried to find a place i could ask this question and dropped on
this mailing list. not sure if this is the right place as something else
i could not find ( otherwise please redirect me ).

under normal circumstances i receive keys using auto repetition, hence i
revive a KeyPress and after some time a bunch of KeyRelease/KeyPress
pairs. so far this is ok, for normal apps. in my app though auto
repetition really messes up anything so i need to only receive
KeyPress/KeyRelease for when the user presses and releases a key, not
repeated in between. i can do this using XAutoRepeatOff/XAutoRepeatOn,
but this is system wide and if the app for some reason crashes the
system is fuked up. examining the XKeyEvent structure i could not find
any hint that would allow me to identify if an event has been send due
to auto-repetition or due to the user acting on his keyboard. is there a
way i can detect what messages are due to auto-repeat so i can ignore them?

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