xf86PostKeyEvent and xf86PostKeyboardEvent

Zephaniah E. Hull warp at aehallh.com
Sun Mar 19 23:06:44 PST 2006

On Sun, Mar 19, 2006 at 03:57:47PM +0300, Andrew Zabolotny wrote:
> Hello!
> I'm working here on a tablet driver for my wacom tablet, and while
> doing that I've encountered a problem that I think is a bug in X11
> core. Can someone enlighten me if I'm correct in my assumptions:
> a) xf86PostKeyEvent won't work for devices with 0 valuators as seen
> from xf86XInput.c - if num_valuators is 0, the loop never executes, and
> no events are posted. This is actually a bug from my point of view,
> since the analogous function xf86PostButtonEvent() checks for the case
> when number of valuators is 0 and posts a proper event in any case.
> b) xf86PostKeyboardEvent won't work for non-core devices, since it
> doesn't fill xev->deviceid field, thus xf86eqProcessInputEvents () will
> barf "LookupDeviceIntRec id=0x%x not found". I'm not sure why it
> doesn't barf on core key events for the same reason, but it's obvious it
> doesn't -- otherwise the regular keyboard driver wouldn't work. This
> seems a bug as well, as seen from xf86PostKeyEvent there are two
> missing lines in xf86PostKeyboardEvent:

These two functions (along with several others) are going to be reworked
somewhat, most likely after 7.1 but hopefully before 7.2, at which point
all of the input drivers will need at least some small changes, and in
some cases some larger changes.

Tablet drivers that support multiple tools will require some much
heavier changes, but the specifics have not been put into concrete yet.

By the way, what's special about the wacom tablet in question that it
requires a new driver?  What interface does it use and such?

Zephaniah E. Hull.

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