S-Video Out Radeon 7000VE

ethan at audio-crusade.com ethan at audio-crusade.com
Mon Feb 25 10:00:37 PST 2008

I'm trying to get S-Video out working on a Radeon 7000VE (Rv100).

I've spent a few days googling through the archives here and still can't
get S-Video working. No matter what I do xrandr reports the S-Video is as

I've upgraded to
Xorg 7.3,
xrandr 1.2
xserver-xorg-video-ati 6.8.

I'm running debian SID with 2.6.18-3-686

When I run the following S-Video still says it's disconnected. It seems
from several threads that the following commands are all folks need to get
it working.

xrandr --addmode S-video 800x600
xrandr --output S-video --mode 800x600
xrandr --output S-video --set tv_standard ntsc

I even went and bought a new S-Video cable.

One question that's not clear to me from previous posts. Should the above
commands work without any changes to xorg.conf? If xorg.conf configuration
is needed to support the above commands can someone point me to a thread
on them I can't seem to find anything.

Is there anything I should be looking in Xorg.0.log for?

I see that following II in the log:

(II) RADEON(0): Output S-video has no monitor section
(II) RADEON(0): Default TV standard: PAL
(II) RADEON(0): TV standards supported by chip: NTSC PAL

Does the fact that it defaults PAL cause me problems?

The only other informational line is:

(II) RADEON(0): Output S-video disconnected

which is what xrandr gives me.

I do see two sets of WW's:

(WW) RADEON(0): No crtc mode list for crtc 1,continuing with desired mode


(WW) RADEON(0): DRI init changed memory map, adjusting ...
(WW) RADEON(0):   MC_FB_LOCATION  was: 0xebffe800 is: 0xebffe800
(WW) RADEON(0):   MC_AGP_LOCATION was: 0xffffffc0 is: 0xf87ff800

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