example for configuring

Paulo Cesar Pereira de Andrade pcpa at mandriva.com.br
Thu Jun 12 12:11:15 PDT 2008

Chuck Robey wrote:

 (I need to use another mua, I am starting to get bored with thunderbird :-)

> This is going to sound stupid, but i really don't know the answer ... I am
> writing a xinput *_drv.so module ... would that be considered "inside" a driver
> for the purpposes of your instructions above?
  Currently, any server symbol is accessible to drivers, but I suggest only
using those that are exported, and declared in /usr/include/xorg.h.
  Try using ctags to find symbols and data types in the xserver tree, 
and check
some of the input modules sources (xorg/driver/xf86-input-* repositories)
for examples of (hopefully) working input drivers.

> Anyhow, thanks for the pointer, I am off and reading, I sure do appreciate it.


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