How can I get the contens of applications by programming ?

Marc Weber marco-oweber at
Fri Aug 13 05:57:03 PDT 2010

Excerpts from a qi's message of Fri Aug 13 13:41:30 +0200 2010:
> How can I get the contens of applications by programming ?
> for example,
> scene 1:  I want to select some text( line 10,  for simplicity ) by
> press one hotkey  when   I edit a file by vi ,  so that I can paste it
> in other applications later.

In X its usually enough to select text and press the middle mouse botton
on a different window (vim insert mode, shell whatsoever). This will
copy paste the selected text.

> scene 2:  I want to save some text  ( line 10 ~ 20, for simplicity)
> directly into ' /home/guy/useful-text.db ' by press one hotkey when  I
> visit some webpages by firefox .

Write a script such as

{ echo ; date ;  xclip -o } >> ~/useful-text.db

If you copy past from FireFox very much - it has plugins which copy the
selected text and add the url for reference. You may want to digg for

Then bind it to a key using your window manager.

If you want to automate it - no clue how to select line 10-15
automatically - sorry.

Marc Weber

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