Prebuilt Xserver binaries for SH-4 architecture

Younes Manton younes.m at
Thu Jan 28 21:45:45 PST 2010

2010/1/28 Wu Liming <wuliming at>:
> Hi,
>    Is there anybody can give me a mamnual to compile the Xserver?
>    I have download the all the source code in version X11R7.5.
>    My board is in SH-4 architeture.
>    But I have no idea to compile them and I kown it's very compicated.
>    So, can anybody help me?
>    An install script maybe helpful.
>    Thanks for any help.

Here is a quick guide:

Here is a longer and more complete guide:

Here is a guide using jhbuild:

I haven't used any of these guides myself so I don't know how easy
they are to follow or if they are up to date for 7.5.

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