X loses wireless input devices

Yan Seiner yan at seiner.com
Tue Jun 12 13:27:58 PDT 2012

On Mon, June 11, 2012 7:56 pm, Peter Hutterer wrote:
> 1.12 has the ID_SEAT support, so if you set that property through udev the
> server only adds the matching ones. You'd have to then start the X server
> with -seat, see the commit message to
> 159b03e13760920274b573a2bccdbf6a79f059e7 for some detail.

I have 1.12 installed, and -seat NNN seems to be working; at least when I
use -seat no devices are detected.  I'm having 2 issues:

1.  I'm not familiar with the xorg git repository, and I can't figure out
how/where to find the commit message you refer to.

2.  I can't find any examples of setting properties or tags in udev. 
Ubuntu does not use systemd, so I'm stuck doing this manually.

Here's one attempt; the symlink is created but X doesn't see any evdev

SUBSYSTEM=="input", ACTION=="add",
SUBSYSTEM=="input", ACTION=="add",
ATTRS{phys}=="usb-0000:00:02.1-", ID_SEAT+="jason"
SUBSYSTEM=="input", ACTION=="add",
ATTRS{phys}=="usb-0000:00:02.1-", TAG+="seat"

Is there an example I can go by?


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