[Bidi] Automatic text direction

Ely Levy elylevy at cs.huji.ac.il
Mon Feb 28 01:54:20 PST 2005

I think we should create a standard for automatic text direction.
There are few issues on how to detect the text direction (RTL or LTR)
for example numbers should not be the setter of direction, the ability
to manual override, split text ( for example gaim nick in english line is
in hebrew or arabic what should be the text direction?should it be splited
nick from one side text from the other? should it ignore the nick and
detect it by the text?)
What about html text?how do we ignore tags as direction setters?

the big question, can a good autodetect actually be done? or should we
give up on it and do maunal setting only?

Ely Levy
System group
Hebrew University
Jerusalem Israel

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