[Clipart] PASSFAIL Report

Jonadab the Unsightly One jonadab at bright.net
Sat Aug 7 12:22:50 PDT 2004

Bryce Harrington <bryce at bryceharrington.com> writes:

> By the way, Kees Cook has an *excellent* unpacker tool he's been
> working on for most of the year.  I've mentioned our needs to him,
> and it sounds like that script could do the trick here.  It handles
> tons of packaging systems including zip, tgz, binhex, isos,
> src-rpms, mime, mbox, etc.  

Yeah, but does it check metadata, propagate them from metadata.rdf
into the individual images as it unpacks them, and that sort of thing?

I think what we need is fairly specific to what we're doing.  And we
don't need to handle binhex, ISO, RPM, MIME, or mbox (mbox?  mbox?
For crying out loud, why would anyone store images in an mbox?  Sane
people don't even store mail in mbox anymore.), and there are modules
for zip and tar and gzip that make those easy.  The metadata stuff
would be the bulk of what the script would be doing, even with using
SVG::Metadata for the lowlevel details.  More than half of the upload
script is metadata-related stuff.

If what we wanted was a general unpacker, there are certainly plenty
of those around to reuse, but I was thinking of propagating the
metadata as a key piece of functionality for us.

If his tool _does_ do the metadata propagation stuff, then we could
probably just use it.

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